my boot.tree.R
boot.tree <- function(data, B = 100, tree = "upgma") { library(phangorn) func <- function(x) upgma(dist(x, method = "euclidean"), method="average") if (tree == "nj") { func <- function(x) nj(dist(x, method = "euclidean")) } if (tree == "hclust") { func <- function(x) { tr = hclust(dist(x, method = "euclidean")) tr = as.phylo(tr) return(tr) } } tr_real = func(data) plot(tr_real) library(ape) bp <- boot.phylo(tr_real, data, FUN=func, B=B) nodelabels(bp) return(bp) } data = t(USArrests) # columns are the branches boot.tree(data, B=1000, tree='hclust') # Description: # This function builds a upgma or nj tree and tests its stability by bootstrapping. It returns a tree, and bootstrap result. # # Usage: # boot.tree(data, B = 100, tree = "upgma") # # Arguments: # data: a numeric matrix, data fram # # B: the number of bootstrap replicates. (100 by default). # # tree: tree type. It could be "upgma", or "nj". ("upgma" by default.) # # Values: # It return a numeric vector which _i_th element is the times that we observe the _i_th node of the real tree. # # Examples: # # compare it with the hclust # par(ask = TRUE) # plot(hclust(dist(t(USJudgeRatings)))) # boot.tree(t(USJudgeRatings), 100)
a script from ape package
install.packages("ape") library(ape) data(woodmouse) d <- dist.dna(woodmouse) tr <- nj(d) bp <- boot.phylo(tr, woodmouse, function(xx) nj(dist.dna(xx))) plot(tr) nodelabels(bp)
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